Lawful Interception
Legal interception or LI refers to the set of measures, solutions and services based on which, fixed or mobile telecommunications networks, generally data service providers (ISPs), are able, with the help of established solutions, to cooperate with upstream and governmental institutions when necessary. or have competent legal authorities, including courts, regarding the activities of ISP data service subscribers. In most countries, there is a defined relationship between governing bodies and ISPs with private networks for this purpose, on the basis of which, the results of analyzing the records of ISP subscribers' connections to the data communication network are made available to legal entities in cases such as the occurrence of crimes. computerized, the output of analyzes used by experts to identify and trace criminals.
ParsDMS product
One of the most important requirements related to LI applications in businesses that provide data services on the Internet is to track the behavior of subscribers from the perspective of IP addresses assigned to them by network equipment and other details related to subscriber identity information, in order to determine that an IP address The public belongs to the business at a given time in the possession of which subscriber with certain identity information. In order to respond to this issue and with the aim of overcoming challenges such as the large volume of records produced by network equipment such as Firewall and CGNAT and identity equipment such as AAA servers, Gostar Sharif Security Company has provided a separate product for correlating the logs of the mentioned systems with the name of DMS monitoring system. which is mainly used in data communication networks (DCN) such as operators and ISPs in order to generate IPDR records related to data traffic It is subscribers. From the perspective of development technologies, the DMS system uses the most up-to-date technologies in the field of data collection, indexing and storage based on non-relational databases (NoSQL) as well as Big Data analysis platforms for raw log processing. From the point of view of how it works, the DMS product is placed offline in the network; Therefore, in this method, the performance of the event logging system has not caused any disturbance in the network, and its activities are completely transparent from the point of view of the network.